Dega Addition 2011

Dega Addition 2011

2011 members

Anna, Alex, Amber, Andrea and grAce

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Good News!

Keith Taylor, sports producer at ABC 33/40 sent an email stating, "I'm currently putting together tomorrow night's Friday Night Blitz show, and would love to make your band our "Blitz Band of the Week." "

How GREAT you guys! So set your VCR's or TiVo or whatever for ABC 33/40 at 10:30, so that you can see the show. You know we will probably still be on a bus somewhere. They are using clips from the Pell City vs Dega game.

Congrats everyone!

Saturday, October 18, 2008


We will have an informational meeting for the Dega Darlins addition on Thursday, October 24, 2008, following band practice, in the high school lunchroom.

Parents and members please make every effort to attend. We will issue the fee list and contest schedule at this meeting.

Winter Guard season is getting close. We will begin practices very soon. The first practice will be on Tuesday, October 28, 2008. Those of you that have percussion chair auditions that day should do those first then come to rehearsal.

Friday, October 3, 2008 - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more

Winter Guard information is here!
I am looking forward to a great winter guard season, filled with lots of fun and musical excitement. We will begin having a few fundamental rehearsals soon.
Also, we will hold a winter guard meeting soon... stay tuned for the date! We are still confirming the best time.